Take a Shot: Corporate Event Photography to Boost Your Brand

Picture it. You’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars on your business event. You have record attendance and incredible sponsorship. All your executive team is there, and this event will be the foundation for future programs. You decide to save some bucks, and instead of hiring a photographer specializing in corporate event photography, you encourage everyone to snap photos with their phones instead. Maybe you even created a kicky hashtag for people to use to post the fun. The following day, you review the shots. You are horrified to discover a catalog of blurry images, snaps of sloshing alcohol, and not one group shot of the executive team or sponsors.

Corporate event photography can be your biggest asset or downfall when capturing and marketing your brand. And yet, most planners don’t think about it until it’s too late. The good news is that we’ve got you covered! We’ll explain why you should always have professional photography at your events to keep your brand cover-worthy!

Corporate Event Photography = Brand Consistency

One of the most significant benefits of corporate event photography is brand consistency. In the era of iPhones, what you can lose is quality messaging. When trying to maintain brand standards, you need to capture photographs that fit the mold.

Using a qualified corporate event photographer will ensure that your event’s images align with your company’s image. You’ll secure clean shots that are in line with your brand standards. Not all corporate event photography is created equal, so partner with a qualified event planner to help you get the shots you want.

Corporate Event Photography Captures Company Culture

Employees are the foundation of your company. Capturing images of company culture goes hand-in-hand with securing new employees and retaining the ones already working for you. When you showcase your team’s spirit, you create an impression of your company that words can’t capture. Corporate event photography at your sales meetings, team building, and incentive trips can snap the organic chemistry of your organization. Hiring a professional photographer for these moments will provide incredible imagery rich with your brand’s culture. And having a stockpile of usable content leads us perfectly to the next point…future marketing.

Future Marketing Through Corporate Event Photography

Usable photographic content is essential for future marketing. When you have on-brand corporate event photography, you have marketing material for the years to come. This is especially true when capturing conventions, exhibits, sponsors, and annual events. You’ll need to promote those moments to encourage attendance for future years. Having professional event photos showcasing the magic of past events gives prospective attendees a glimpse into the experience they, too, can have. Create FOMO (fear of missing out) by showcasing what they’ll miss if they don’t attend the next one!

Event Photos Boost Social Media Presence

Love it or hate it, social media is here to stay. And the truth is that social media is a great tool to help passively boost your brand. When your attendees post event photos on their social apps, they actively work to send your brand messaging out into the world. So, why not create photo-worthy moments worth sharing? When you integrate corporate event photography into your event, you help ensure that your brand standards are more in line.

Adding an open-air photo booth or dramatic photo op with approved logos or brand messaging will help minimize photos that aren’t brand-worthy.

Headshot Lounges

Individual team photoscan be one of the most important reasons to have corporate event photography in your next program. One of the most visited tabs of a company website is its Meet the Team. And that is because you can find the heartbeat of a company through its employees’ faces. People like to do business with people they know. When potential customers see the faces of your employees, it builds trust and confidence in your legitimacy. Trust-building is especially true for many companies that rely on hybrid or remote models. Showcasing a cohesive team regardless of where they all sit will give prospective clients comfort in your operation. To create a coherent showcase of your team, consider setting up a headshot lounge during your event to capture those smiles.

The Final Shot

Think of corporate event photography as the final piece of your event puzzle. When you put it in place, it can reveal the big picture of your brand. Contact us today, and we’ll help you create those picture-perfect moments.  

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