Last-Minute Holiday Party Planning

We don’t know about you, but we can’t believe it’s almost the holidays! The leaves are shedding, the crisp is in the air, and everywhere, people are frantically doing their last-minute holiday party planning. The number of calls we’ve received lately for those end-of-the-year/beginning-of-the-year parties has jumped considerably. So, we thought it made sense to share some of our tips to take the stress out of your short-term party planning. We’ll tell you what to think about and some questions to ask yourself to avoid those last-minute planning pitfalls. Let’s not waste another second and dive right in!

Plan Your Holiday Party Guest List

We understand the need to make a list and check it twice. When thinking about your holiday celebration, consider who you’d like to be there. Will you be including employees and their guests? Will you invite essential clients and special vendors? What about those extra staff members that help you get the job done? Building your guest list is building your foundation for your holiday party planning. It will help you construct your budget and guide you toward the ideal venue size. Thankfully, we can help steer you in the right direction. Just call us Rudolph!

Get Your Holiday Party Venue Now!

What’s a party without a place? If you haven’t secured a venue for your holiday party planning yet, we need to jump on it! Event spaces tend to book up quickly for end-of-the-year events. Reserving your spot will get the ball rolling.

But before you rush into plunking down a deposit on any old place, you need to ensure it’s the right spot for your needs. You need to ask yourself some critical questions. How much space do you require? What type of ambiance are you looking for? Does the layout work for speeches, awards, dancing, and entertainment? It’s easy to forget the full scope of your needs when looking at photos of private spaces. But we’ve got you covered! Our love language is keeping your objectives on track. We love to play matchmaker with events and venues. Just like a Hallmark movie, we know some incredible (and eligible) candidates for your important date.

Plan Your Holiday Party Menu!

One of our favorite things about holiday party planning is creating the menu. The best thing about coming together for the holidays is breaking bread with treasured friends and guests. Creating a menu that will delight your attendees (without breaking the bank) is a delicate dance.

There are some essential things to consider when deciding on your cuisine. Do you want a formal, sit-down dinner? Or are you creating a casual buffet affair? Will you have a cocktail reception beforehand? And what about the most important part…dessert? Lucky for you, we dream of sugar plums! We understand how these little details will impact your guest’s experience and bottom line. We’ll help you create a flavor experience that will make your guests’ mouths water.

Don’t Forget the Décor!

The sparkle of an event occurs the minute your guests walk into the room. When making a list for your holiday party planning, don’t forget to think about décor. Some event spaces have a vibe already built into the room. But others may need a little work. It doesn’t have to take a lot to turn your area into a winter wonderland. Simple lighting, beautiful linens, gorgeous centerpieces, and decorative enhancements make all the difference to the feeling your guests have when they step into your space. We are experts when it comes to making mood magic!

What’s Holiday Party Planning without Entertainment?

We like to think of entertainment as the frosting on the cake of your event. Do you always need it? Maybe not. But it sure makes everything so much sweeter!

Adding entertainment to your holiday party planning can be the difference between dull and delightful. Nothing can torpedo an event faster than a room without energy. When we work with our clients, we help them find the perfect piece to add pizazz to their night. From corporate-friendly DJs to jazzy trios or full bands, we have solutions for your soundtrack. Strolling entertainment or surprise performances create memorable moments that you can’t forget.

Make a Plan for Passing Presents

Nobody likes a Grinch. Holiday parties are the perfect place to pass presents. Do you want to reward your crew for an incredible year? And does your team want to jump on the white elephant for a gift swap with their peers? Your holiday party planning should always consider presents to address these questions.

Setting some boundaries for coworker gifts will help minimize added financial stress, all while keeping things corporate-friendly. Establish a manageable budget and rules for appropriate contributions. And if you also want to give something extra to each team member, we can help you deliver! From local artisans to treasured trinkets, we have a few tricks up our sleeves to help solve the present problem.

Capture the Smiles!

Just like Buddy the Elf says, “Smiling is my favorite!” No holiday party planning is complete without remembering to capture the joy! Planning for photos is crucial to make those memories last. We can help make your photography a snap! From photo booths to strolling photographers, we have a solution for your portrait plan.

Hire Your Corporate Holiday Party Planning Elves!

If there’s one thing we know, your last-minute corporate holiday party planning needs a qualified team of elves. Contact us today, and we’ll help alleviate your seasonal soirée stress!

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